There are many geocoding services and it’s easy to get lost around it. With that text I would like to give you a chance to compare the tools and decide what could be the best for your case. Scroll down and check it out!

Most services have a free option with a specified limit, prices often are changing but here are some options for 2021:

NoService and linkFree limitRegular price
1Batch geocoder for journalistsfree batch geocoder for small data samples
2OSM Nominatimfree 1 request per second (one of the really free services)
3HERE Geocodingfree 250k records limit per monthTBD
4Google Geocoding APIfree 40k records limit per month (taking 200$ free per month)TBD
5MapQuest Geocoding APIfree 15k records limit per monthTBD
6positionstackfree 25k records limit per month TBD
7LocationIQfree 5k records limit per day TBD
8Geocodfree 2,5k records limit per day TBD
9Cartofree 400 records limit per month TBD
10Mapbox Geocodingfree 100k records limit per month TBD
11Opencagedatafree 2,5k records limit per day TBD
12Bing Geocodingfree 125k records per month (crazy pricing, hard to find…) TBD
13ESRI ArcGISfree 1,2k limit records per month (another crazy pricing, better look at their table) TBD

A great tool for using some of the services is FMElook at their Geocoder transformer.

There are also a number of national services limited only to one country, and it seems not to have any geocoding record limits, here you have a link to the USA service and the Polish GUGiK service for example.

PS. My blog was distinguished on the Top 50 Map Blogs website – maybe you will find more geocoding services there!
