Poland has really great GIS datasets but its distributed across many websites so it is sometimes hard to get it. Here I am creating a gateway to find your way faster than ever.

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poland-gis-datasets (this link opens in a new window) by sk1me (this link opens in a new window)

GitHub page gathering links to polish GIS datasets. Poland has really great visual data but its quite distributed across many websites. Here I am creating a gateway to find your way faster than ever.

Link to GitHub: https://github.com/sk1me/poland-gis-datasets

GitHub page gathering links to polish GIS datasets: vectors (points, lines, polygons), rasters and Web Map Services (WMS) or Web Map Tiled Services (WMTS). Feel free to update this database. Below you can see a mirror from GitHub page.

Administrative Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Geology Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Raster Datasets (GeoTIFF and other)

Hydrology Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Infrastracture Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Environment and Nature Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Statictic Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

  • Statistics Poland – Demographics, statistic data, cities for statistics use – https://geo.stat.gov.pl/imap/ (this is geoportal, need to search metadata to find links eg. link 1, link_2 – various size

Landcover Datasets

Vector Datasets (SHP, GeoJSON and other)

Elevation (Digital Elevation Model (DEM)) Datasets

Raster and Text Datasets

Historic Map Datasets


  • Mapster – Old maps of Poland and Central Europe -various resolution – various time – various size

Current Map Datasets


