During this year I have uncovered my passion for playing and watching tennis. This motivated me to produce TennisMApp which is an interactive map of ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) tournaments held this year (2021).


Besides showing all 2021 ATP tournaments, you can filter for specific tournament types and hover over the dot to see its information.

Fly through the tour tournaments is an option that easily leads you throughout the locations. Flight is done in the time order. There is the ability to do it manually or click one Play button and watch…


Dataset is provided by the official ATP Calendar, I have transformed it to GeoJSON format with help of FME Software and geocoded by OSM Nominatim.

Data can be of course updated but this requires triggering FME Workspace. It could be surely automated by FME Server instance for example.


The TennisMApp is written using the Mapbox GL JS library. It’s mostly JavaScript code that is using Mapbox functions.


I had many ideas for improvements like adding timeline, player calendars, WTA tourneys. To be honest, it may be even a portal around such a map if you have enough time to code it.

To watch TennisMApp in fullscreen jump to: tennismapp.smartcarto.com
